Sean Brokenshire

Sean Brokenshire

Digital Fundraising & Marketing Specialist

Sean has been working professionally in the fields of digital marketing and multimedia production since 2004. For the past ten years, until recently, he worked for Médecins Sans Frontières Australia playing a key role in their digital marketing and communications.

Special guest on a photography podcast, talking about informed consent and photo ethics

After my recent articles on the topic, I was invited to chat with podcast hosts Toby Forage and Meredith Schofield about how I approached gaining informed consent from vulnerable people as a communications professional working for a humanitarian organisation, and the ethical dilemmas that surround photography in the aid sector.

Listen now:

<p>"...it's a real ethical dilemma for an organisation to be medical, but also fundraising. You require information, stories, photographs and videos of your patients - these people that you also have this duty of care to. It's a real balancing act of protecting their rights, but also being able to raise money…"</p>

Sean Brokenshire

<p>"Photography ethics was probably the biggest debate we constantly had. It was always debated... There was really good processes around protecting patients.”</p>

Sean Brokenshire

<p>"It's about respect. This applies to organisations and individuals, if you're not respecting the person you're photographing then you shouldn't do it."</p>

Sean Brokenshire


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